Jumping on a trampoline has always been a popular outdoor activity for kids, and for good reason! Kids are very energetic, and sometimes it’s challenging for parents to find an activity for them to expend that energy. That's why a trampoline is a great solution, as it not only keeps children active and entertained but also helps them develop beneficial motor skills.

Here are seven reasons trampolines are beneficial for children, and why you should consider investing in one for your own kids:

Hours upon hours of fun

Trampolining provides hours of free fun for everyone in the family. Once you invest in a trampoline, it can be an incredibly cost-effective form of exercise and entertainment that won't break the bank. As long as it is used properly with safety in mind, a trampoline can provide hours of outdoor entertainment for your kids.

Promotes a safe playing environment

Two little girls standing on a trampoline

Most parents might have reservations concerning the safety of today’s trampolines, but modern engineering ensures that trampolines are designed for maximum safety and support. Modern trampolines have reinforced padding, secure netting and extra mats to keep kids (and adults) away from any hard surfaces. Plus, with the proper precautions and adult supervision, you can be sure everyone is jumping safely. So don't worry — you can go on ahead and jump!

Helps your child do better at school

You might find it hard to believe that trampolines can help children with school. But active play comes with benefits that will ultimately aid your children in school. Trampolines not only provide kids with physical exercise, which is beneficial for academic performance; it also helps them improve their coordination skills and general body awareness. Kids also often feel more energetic and alert as they bounce around which is a skill that can help them stay focused and attentive in class.

Aides in better sleep

Not only can a trampoline help children burn off excess energy, but it's also a great tool for relieving stress. It's been proven that the physical activity involved in bouncing helps children acquire and improve new motor skills while helping reduce their anxiety. This in turn helps regulate sleep patterns, leading to an improved quality of rest. With less stress and anxiety in their system, your kids will benefit from increased focus and better sleep!

Protects and strengthens bones

The activity of trampolining offers a lot of health benefits including cardiovascular strengthening, improved balance and better coordination. One particular benefit worth mentioning is how trampolining helps children develop stronger bones and joints. Because trampolining involves repetition and low-impact movements on a cushioned platform, it helps protect and build bone density at the same time.

Keeps children out and active

Little boy jumping inside a netted trampoline

Playing with a trampoline is a convenient and fun alternative to kids using their phones or watching TV at home. It also frees you up to do other things needed to be done in the house as they play in the backyard. With kids spending less time outdoors and more time being cooped up nowadays, a trampoline can be a great way to get them out and about without being too far away.

Provide fun challenges to the kids

Trampolines are an excellent way for kids to challenge themselves — they offer a safe and active environment where kids can really explore their limits. The process of bouncing helps improve muscle strength, agility, and coordination — all important in the development of agility, hand-eye coordination and overall athleticism. You can even improvise games for your kids by adding balloons, a sprinkler and even a basketball hoop to maximise their activity.


With everything said, there's no question that trampolines are a great way to have fun and stay active for people of all ages. The low-impact and full-body workout that bouncing on a trampoline provides can help improve numerous health benefits and motor skills for young ones.

Additionally, playing outside on a trampoline has been linked to improved sleep quality and higher mental well-being, so getting one might be just what your child needs after those long days at school!

Plus, trampolines come with safety features like paddings and nets, making them a safe place to play for both kids and adults. So, if you're thinking about getting a trampoline, go for it! It's a great investment that you won't regret.