Even though having a pool in your backyard makes swimming and having fun in the water more accessible, there are times when you might not use it, like during the winter or on chilly days. It’s easy to forget what to do with your pool when it is not in use.

At times like these, pool covers become an efficient solution to your problem. You may not have considered it before, but a pool cover is essential because it offers numerous benefits and conveniences.

In addition to protecting your pool from the elements during the winter and other seasonal changes, pool covers can help you save money and time. The best part is that it can offer you peace of mind.

5 benefits of having a pool cover

If you’re not sold yet on the idea of investing in a pool cover, here are just five of its advantages:

It keeps the water warm

Covering your pool, especially if it is heated, can help minimize heat loss. This means that you can keep the temperature of your pool warm without needing to warm it up again. This can help you save on gas and electricity bills.

If your pool depends on the sun's heat to warm it up, using a pool cover at night can help retain some heat, allowing you to swim comfortably the following day. Pool covers can keep your water warm even if the temperature drops at night.

Pool covers keep large debris away

Without a pool cover, anything and everything can reach your pool. It will be a fishing pond with all kinds of things, including dead bugs and insects, leaves, branches, shrubs and even your pet's toys and fur.

Using a pool cover will save you the trouble of having to fish everything out of the pool and keep the water clean, hygienic, and ready for use.

Your pool is not meant to be a place where leaves and other large debris lazily float around haphazardly. With a pool cover, twigs, branches, and other things will land on it, making maintenance more manageable.

Do I really need a pool cover header
You can use a pool cover with a roller for easier maintenance throughout the warm season.

You also don't need to worry about random things sinking to the bottom of your pool or the debris clogging your skimmer baskets.

It helps reduce evaporation

Water loss from your swimming pool through evaporation is extensive without a pool cover, especially during the day. A pool cover acts as a shield so that no vapour can escape. It blocks the direct heat of the sun on your water, and the wind, both of which can contribute to water loss. You keep the same water even when the pool is not in use.

Additionally, when your pool's water level drops below its skimmers because it has evaporated, you risk damaging your pump, which sucks nothing but air instead of water. A pool cover can save you from this potential unnecessary expenditure.

Covers help save on chemicals and chemical costs

Chlorine is the most used water sanitiser, but unfortunately, this chemical degrades when exposed to UV light. Using a pool cover minimizes the amount of UV light that hits your water, which lessens the chemicals your pool needs to use.

This means you will need to purchase a lesser amount of chemicals, and you'll be saving time on refilling the chlorine levels of your pool.

Pool covers offer backyard safety assurance

For families, especially with children, pools can be a cause of concern. You can never be too vigilant when looking after young ones. When your pool is open, and your children have free access to it, you also need to keep watch to ensure that they don't go to the pool unattended.

Although you educate your children about safety and precautionary measures, putting a pool cover when the pool is not in use can give you peace of mind. In the event of an accident, your child will land on the cover rather than the pool, giving you valuable time to intervene.

The same principle applies if you have pets that are not good swimmers. The pool cover can function as a safety net and an alarm for you to get there and discover what's happening before the situation worsens.

Shop for pool covers in Australia

A pool cover is clearly important because of its practical benefits.

You deserve that additional security and convenience that only a pool cover can provide.

If you want to spend less time maintaining your pool this summer, check out our HydroActive 400 and 500-micron pool covers and the HydroActive Quadcell® pool covers, which are compatible with most pools. These covers will reduce not only your pool’s rate of evaporation but also the amount you spend on pool chemicals. Win-win!